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Starry Night





& Double Your Income In Six Weeks




You are meant to CHANGE the world, 

living your PURPOSE and walking in FAITH.  




There is a GAP between FAITH



As a person walking in faith and living your purpose, there is a strong desire to help as many people as you can, especially during this pandemic.  You may even have a tendency to offer your services for free or reduce them.  The running commentary in your head wants you to serve, serve, serve and not be concerned about the money.  You question whether you have negative ulterior motives in wanting to help the individuals you serve.  You have bought into the belief that you don’t need a lot of money to be happy.  And… if you are deeply spiritual may even believe the saying that “money is the root of all evil” and that those with money are not happy or fulfilled.


At times, it feels like you have been striving to live your purpose, you’ve put in all the work and get little financial return on your investment of time, energy, and service.  You question whether you are doing the right thing.  If you are, what more does God, the Universe, or Source want from you?  Perhaps, you wonder why you aren’t making more money like your colleagues.

You Can Serve Others & Make Money! 

you will:


  • Reset your connection to divine energy;

  • Reimagine what it means to walk in faith;

  • Reclaim your divine power;

  • Reimagine what it means to walk in faith; and

  • Release the exact money blocks that keep you from doubling your income.

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As experienced therapists, Darryl and Terrlyn have over 50 years combined experience working with individuals to unravel confusing messages related to being in a faith based business and making money to support your lifestyle and the causes that you feel strongly about.

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Terrlyn and Darryl will share their own personal stories of faith and “conversations” with God, Universe, or Source that changed their way of thinking about business, purpose and manifesting more money.  Now, they have come together as a money mindset specialist and spiritual transformational leader to help you activate your divine faith and increase your income.

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Video here for a brief introduction,

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What to expect in this six-week program: 


Module 1:  Getting to The Root of Your Faith and Financial Success




In the first module, which begins the week of June 22nd, 2020 get to know Darryl and Terrlyn in two 30 minutes interviews. You will have an opportunity to set faith-based & revenue goals for our time together so that 


Here’s what you’ll discover:


  • Your top 3 money beliefs holding you back from having the success you want.

  • Your top 3 beliefs around faith, success, and service.  


Module 2:  Powerful Strategies That Quickly Shift Your Mindset Around Money




In this module get ready to make some major shifts in thinking when it comes to having a prosperity mindset. You will discover a simple process that quickly reveals any mindset blocks that limits your faith in generating a substantial income. 


This module will be a deep dive into the fundamental thinking you have that creates your current financial picture, your own limitations and how it is inhibiting your service to others. 


As you expand your faith and concept of God, Universe or Source and view your life through the lens of Divine prosperity, you will see your own wealth make a major shift.


Here's what you will discover:


  • A powerful technique that can help you generate a six figure income.

  • The one mindset shift that has a direct impact on your financial future.

  • Why deepening your faith in God is the foundation to your prosperity.

  • How to dissolve the blocks that prevent you from living your purpose in the world and making more money monthly.


Darryl will show how he manifested over 200k by simply using these techniques.  (Picture of me and a quote - of this) 


Module 3: Expansive Moves to increase Your Faith & Manifest the Money You Deserve




In this module, you will discover how your faith moves have a direct impact on your financial flow.  You will explore practical steps to exercise your faith, to expand your concept of what it means to move in faith, and to pivot your “moves” toward abundance and prosperity. 


As you continue to work on shifting your mindset, this module invites you to let go of preconceived notions of faith that inhibit you from making the necessary “moves” to elevate your business.  You will no longer remain in a state of confusion about what it means to walk in faith and discover how to gain clarity around your decision making.


Here’s what you’ll discover: 


  • How to quickly grow your business using a powerful faith-based business model.

  • The simple 3 step process that connects you to faith & your “make more money” sweet spot. 


Module 4:  Dynamic Steps To Align Your Purpose & Faith


This class is especially important for supporting your desire to be in service and share your gifts with the world. And at the same time support you in generating the lifestyle you desire without resorting to taking on work just to pay the bills. In this session, you will take a closer look at your motive around making money.  You will discover the driving force behind your faith, living your purpose, and enjoying prosperity.  


Terrlyn and Darryl will walk you through steps that will help you be in alignment to your highest purpose versus doing faithless work that doesn’t inspire your passion. You will recommit to walking in your divine power, confidently charging your value and pushing yourself to the next level of your business.


Here’s what you’ll discover:


  • Why you are not asking, allowing, and receiving what you truly want from life, business, and faith. 

  • How to design your lifestyle by connecting your desired financial goals with your faith-based business model. 

  • 4 step ‘Getting into Conversation” process with your faith to activate money opportunities.  


Module 5: Essential Tools That Build a Solid, Successful, & Faith Foundation That Help You In Every Economy 


In this final session, you will take a look at your next steps & money.   You will gain the necessary tools to help you become rooted in your faith, service, and making more money process so that you can feel stable and grounded to make the necessary moves to reach your life’s desires.  


This process will help you to become more comfortable and confident in bridging the gap between being fully in faith, serving others, and prospering financially.


Here’s what you’ll discover:


  • The necessary steps to continue expanding your business.

  • A recurring step by step process to make more money, be in faith, and serve more people in the world. 


Module 6:  Keep Peeling Back the Onion


In the final module, you will meet separately with Terrlyn and Darryl for 30 minutes to 60 minutes to assess your goals.  Each of them will provide insights that will help you to continue to expand your business & your faith.


Here’s what you’ll discover:


  • Your next “safe” growth levels in your faith, service and money levels. 

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